English Learner Department (ELD)
Welcome to the Hamtramck Public Schools English Learner (EL) Program. At HPS, we are honored to serve a diverse student population from many different countries around the world.
Hamtramck Public Schools ensure educational equity and access for English learners (ELs) through high-quality language instruction. Sixteen languages are spoken by our 2,260+ English learners. Roughly 85% of the total student population live in homes where English is not the first spoken language.
Languages Represented
Majority languages represented in HPS:
- Arabic
- English
- Bengali
- Bosnian
Other languages represented in HPS:
- Urdu
- Polish
- Ukrainian
- Albanian
- Uzbek
- Spanish
- Hindi
- Somali
- Macedonian
- Slovenian
- Amharic
- Armenian
- Russian
Contact Us
Mirjiana Maros, Interim ELD Director
Phone: 313.591-7421
Amela Kukic, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 313.591.7418
Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm
HPS Administration Building
3201 Roosevelt Street
Hamtramck, MI 48212
In accordance with the requirements of the Federal government and the state of Michigan, Hamtramck Public Schools provide an English learner program which is designed to meet the needs of students whose native language is other than English. The purpose of the program is to accelerate English language literacy so that second language learners will be successful in all academic endeavors, while at the same time valuing the social and cultural knowledge English learners bring to school.